Complementary Therapies
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Complementary Therapies
Complementary therapies offered alongside traditional medical treatment may be offered as non-primarily health related SSBCI. Complementary therapies must be provided by practitioners who are licensed or certified, as applicable, in the state in which they practice and are furnishing services within the scope of practice defined by their licensing or certifying state. Alternative therapies that are considered primarily health related may be offered by an MA plan as a supplemental benefit in PBP category B14c.
Linking Intervention and Impact
Miftahussurur, M., Camilia, M. A. S., Rezkhita, Y. A. A., Amie, V., Dalla, D., Diah, P., ... & Yamaoka, Y.
2023| Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology| Google Scholar| 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00252
Systematic review evaluating the effect of complementary therapy, including aromatherapy massage, acupuncture, and mindfulness, on health outcomes and quality of life among colorectal cancer patients.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found multiple beneficial health effects of complementary therapies that may improve quality of life among cancer patients. For example, acupuncture significantly improves anxiety, stress, and sleep quality, and Chinese herbal medicine was associated with lower tumor recurrence and metastatic tumor rate.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Winarto, A., Kusnanto, K., & Harmayetty, H.
2021| STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan| Google Scholar|
This review looked at literature on the impact of music therapy on blood pressure. The target population included elderly individuals with hypertension.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 12 eligible studies demonstrating a positive impact on lowering blood pressure from a music therapy intervention.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Purnamasari, I., Suharyono, S., Wibowo, S. A., & Soamole, I.
2020| Jurnal Ners| Google Scholar|
This review looked for literature on the impact on complementary therapies on Osteoarthritis. The complementary therapies included were flaxseed poultice compress, acupressure, acupuncture therapy, cumin black oil compress, aromatherapy massage, ginger oil massage, lavender oil massage, sensorimotor exercise, application of heat, exercises with elastic bands, ultrasound therapy, geotherapy combination kinesiotherapy, phonophoresis therapy, and stimulation of compression.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found studies that demonstrated the complementary therapy interventions could improve total index WOMAC and Lequesne, VAS and increase in the physical function in the target population.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Tabatabaeichehr, M., & Mortazavi, H.
2020| Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences| Google Scholar| 10.4314/ejhs.v30i3.16
This review looked for literature on the impact of aromatherapy on labor pain and anxiety.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 33 studies that demonstrated positive impact on reducing labor pain and anxiety.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Çavdar, E., Karaboyun, K., İriağaç, Y., Avcı, O., & Seber, E. S.
2023| Haseki Tip Bulteni| Google Scholar|
This study looked at the use, information sharing between physician and patients, and effect on survival of complementary therapies used by lung cancer patients.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found that 60.7% of patients used at least one type of complementary therapy, but physician-patient information sharing was weak and there was not impact on survival.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Yang, Y., Fang, Y. Y., Gao, J., & Geng, G. L.
2019| The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine| Google Scholar|
This review looked for literature on the impact of five-element music on language treatment for patients with poststroke aphasia (PSA).
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 6 studies that demonstrated the five-element music intervention had significant effect on increasing language scores compared to western music therapy or the control group.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lee, H. W., Ang, L., Choi, J., & Lee, M. S.
2021| The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine| Google Scholar|
This review looked for literature on the impact of aromatherapy on menopausal symptom management.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 7 studies that demonstrated improved menopausal symptoms and sexual desire from aromatherapy.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zhang Y, Li C, Zou L, Liu X, Song W.
2018| Int J Environ Res Public Health| PubMed| 30544873| 10.3390/ijerph15122791
This review found studies looking at mind-body exercise interventions and their impact on cognitive decline.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 19 eligible studies that demonstrated mind-body exercise had significant positive impact on cognitive performance, global cognition, executive function, learning and memory, and language.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Xu Z, Zhang D, Lee ATC, Sit RWS, Wong C, Lee EKP, Yip BHK, Tiu JYS, Lam LCW, Wong SYS.
2020| PeerJ| PubMed| 33194354| 10.7717/peerj.9845
This study looked at the feasibility of a combined intervention of min-body physical exercise, cognitive training, and nurse-led risk factor modification. The aim was to determine the effect on cognitive decline in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the interventions were feasible and showed preliminary results that were beneficial
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Weber M, Schnorr T, Morat M, Morat T, Donath L.
2020| Int J Environ Res Public Health| PubMed| 32916879| 10.3390/ijerph17186556
This review found literature on mind-body interventions to determine the impact on quality of life, depressive symptoms, fear of falling, and sleep quality.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 37 eligible studies that demonstrated the intervention had significant impact on all outcomes compared to the control groups.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lenze EJ, Hickman S, Hershey T, Wendleton L, Ly K, Dixon D, Doré P, Wetherell JL.
2014| Int J Geriatr Psychiatry| PubMed| 24677282| 10.1002/gps.4086
This study looked at the impact of a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention that included a 8-session group and 12-session group. The study looked at individuals 65+ with significant anxiety-related distress and cognitive dysfunction.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the intervention led to improvements in worry severity, mindfulness, and memory. There was not a significant difference between the 8 week and 12 week groups.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Villalba DK, Lindsay EK, Marsland AL, Greco CM, Young S, Brown KW, Smyth JM, Walsh CP, Gray K, Chin B, Creswell JD.
2019| PLoS One| PubMed| 31295270| 10.1371/journal.pone.0219120
This study looked at the impact of a mindfulness training intervention in two rats. The first had a 2-week smartphone-based intervention and the second had an 8-weed mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention. Both studies assigned participants to a monitor and accept group, monitor only group, or control group to understand the impact on inflammation in older adults.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found the monitor and accept group did not have significant reduction in C-reactive protein (CRP) that was an inflammatory biomarker. They did find that both programs might reduce CRP.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kerkez M, Erci B.
2024| Holist Nurs Pract| PubMed| 37966990| 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000627
This study looked at a move meditation exercise on adults 65+ to under to understand the impact on depression level and sleep quality.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the intervention led to decreased depression and improved quality of sleep.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ullmann G.
2016| Adv Mind Body Med| PubMed| 27250213|
This study looked at the impact of the Feldenkrais method awareness through movement (ATM) intervention on cognitive decline in other adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
There were two participants in the study and both improved the Trail Making Test A and B after the intervention.
Case Study
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Charlesworth, E., Hughes, J., Plant, H., & Carballo, L.
2018| European Journal of Integrative Medicine| Google Scholar|
Study evaluating the effect of four complementary therapy outpatient services including aromatherapy, massage, reflexology, and Reiki on a range of health outcomes among cancer patients.
Outcome type: Favorable
Patients reported significant improvements after receiving four sessions of complementary therapies; the greatest improvements were seen in relaxation, sleep problems, and pains/aches.
Prospective Cohort Study
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cedar, S. H., White, M., & Atwal, A.
2018| International Journal of Palliative Nursing| Google Scholar|
Study evaluating the effect of six complementary therapy outpatient services on patient wellbeing among patients in palliative cancer care.
Outcome type: Favorable
Patients reported significant improvements after receiving a series of six complementary therapies, reporting improved feelings of wellbeing on a standardized scale.
Prospective Cohort Study
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Asnaniar, W. O. S., Alam, R. I., & Amir, H.
2021| Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan| Google Scholar|
Review evaluating the effect of various complementary therapies on health outcomes among patients with hypertension.
Outcome type: Favorable
Study found that the most effective use of therapy was herbal therapy among the elderly, reporting its accessibility and affordability as facilitators to use. However, successfully managing hypertension also requires conventional therapy, exercise, and other methods.
Peer Reviewed
Cardiovascular Disorders
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chandrababu, R., Nayak, B. S., Pai, V. B., Patil, N. T., George, A., George, L. S., & Devi, E. S.
6f6i| Holistic Nursing Practice| Google Scholar| 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000226
Narrative review evaluating the effect of various complementary therapies on postoperative health outcomes among patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
Outcome type: Neutral
Most studies analyzed reported positive results noting postoperative health improvements in patients after receiving complementary therapies. However, some studies found no evidence of improvement.
Peer Reviewed
Cardiovascular Disorders
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lua, P. L., Salihah, N., & Mazlan, N.
2015| Complementary Therapies in Medicine| Google Scholar|
Randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of inhaled ginger aromatherapy on nausea, vomiting, and health-related quality of life among breast cancer patients in chemotherapy.
Outcome type: Neutral
Nausea decreased significantly after ginger essential oil inhalation compared to the control group, but effect was not sustained for overall treatment effect. Intervention also had no effect on vomiting. However, global health status significantly changed after ginger inhalation, as well as appetite loss.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
He, H., Li, Z., Zhao, X., & Chen, X.
2023| Complementary Therapies in Medicine| Google Scholar|
Systematic review assessing studies on the effect of music therapy on pain, anxiety, and physiologic parameters among patients undergoing prostate biopsy.
Outcome type: Neutral
Music therapy only slightly reduced heart rate, but not blood pressure and respiratory rate after biopsy. There is little evidence to suggest that music therapy during prostate biopsy reduces pain and anxiety.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ngee-Ming, G., Tamsin, D., Rai, B. P., & Somani, B. K.
2014| Urolithiasis| Google Scholar|
Systematic review evaluating studies on the effect of complementary therapies including acupuncture, auricular acupressure, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and music during shock wave lithotripsy among patients with renal stones.
Outcome type: Neutral
Complementary therapy music and acupuncture significantly lowered anxiety. However, there was no reported difference in stone-free rates among patients with the use of complementary therapy.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Olayemi, S. O., Nwaiwu, O., Fasanmade, O., Aro, A. O., & Ibrahim, A.
2015| East African Medical Journal| Google Scholar|
Observational study evaluating the effect of various complementary therapies on clinical outcomes among hypertensive or diabetic patients.
Outcome type: Neutral
Use of complementary medicine was associated with reduced blood pressure. Complementary medicines were found to have positive effects on health in hypertensive patients but not diabetic patients, though results were not statistically significant.
Peer Reviewed
Cardiovascular Disorders
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kyriakides, R., Jones, P., Geraghty, R., Skolarikos, A., Liatsikos, E., Traxer, O., ... & Somani, B. K.
2018| The Journal of Urology| Google Scholar|
Systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the effect of music therapy on outcomes of outpatient urological procedures.
Outcome type: Favorable
Music therapy decreased anxiety and pain among patients in surgery, and increased procedural satisfaction and patient willingness to undergo the procedure again.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Vaithianathan, H., Chelladurai, R., Gopinath, P. M., Venkatesh, D., Jagadeesan, V. S., & Chokkalingam, P. V.
2021| Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology| Google Scholar| 10.1080/0167482X.2021.1977277
Systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the effect of music therapy on anxiety and pregnancy rates among infertile women undergoing to perform assisted reproductive technologies.
Outcome type: Favorable
Music therapy significantly reduced anxiety and pain, and improved satisfaction. Music also was associated with a statistically insignificant increase in the pregnancy rate among the population.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Carneiro, É. M., Tosta, A. D. M., Antonelli, I. B. S., Soares, V. M., Oliveira, L. F. A., Borges, R. M. C., ... & Borges, M. D. F.
2020| Journal of Religion and Health| Google Scholar|
Randomized controlled trial evaluating the effect of spiritist "passes", laying on of hand with the intention of healing, on preoperative anxiety among hospitalized patients.
Outcome type: Favorable
"Passe" intervention group reported greater improvements in preoperative anxiety, muscle tension, and wellbeing compared to the control group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Leggett, S., Koczwara, B., & Miller, M.
2015| Nutrition and Cancer| Google Scholar|  10.1080/01635581.2015.1004731
Systematic review evaluating studies on the effect of oral complementary alternative medicines (tablets, powders, liquids, capsules) on cancer-related health outcome among breast cancer patients.
Outcome type: Neutral
Study results vary, but there is some evidence to suggest that oral complementary alternative therapies may improve fatigue and oral mucositis. However, results are inconclusive.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Paixão, V. L. B., & de Carvalho, J. F.
2021| Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice| Google Scholar|
Systematic review evaluating studies on the effect of essential oil therapy on health outcomes among patients with rheumatic diseases.
Outcome type: Favorable
Nearly all studies analyzed demonstrated the effectiveness of aromatherapy for improving health outcomes among patients.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chobe S, Patra SK, Chobe M, Metri K.
2022| J Ayurveda Integr Med| PubMed| 33349568| 10.1016/j.jaim.2020.11.003
This study looked at the impact of an 8-week Yoga and/or Ayurveda Rasayana intervention in older adults with mild cognitive impairment.
Outcome type: Favorable
This study found the combined intervention of Yoga and Ayurveda Rasayana had significant results in improving learning, attention, processing speed, and working memory in the study group.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Huang D, Ke X, Jiang C, Song W, Feng J, Zhou H, Zhang R, Zhang A, Lan F.
2023| Front Neurol| PubMed| 37188307| 10.3389/fneur.2023.1167957
This study looked at a 12-week Tai Chi program to understand the impact on neuromuscular responses and postural control. The intervention included 40-minute sessions 3 times a week for 12 weeks for elderly patients with sarcopenia.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Tai Chi intervention significantly reduced neuromuscular response times.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lyu L, Li Y, Fan X, Seo J, Eunna O.
2024| Eur Geriatr Med| PubMed| 38227110| 10.1007/s41999-023-00923-6
This review looked at literature on the impact of Tai Chi on sleep quality for older adults living in the community.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 12 eligible studies that demonstrated the Tai Chi intervention led to significant improvement in sleep quality in the target population.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Liao SJ, Tan MP, Chong MC, Chua YP.
2018| Issues Ment Health Nurs| PubMed| 29436896| 10.1080/01612840.2017.1417519
This study looked at the impact of a Tai Chi intervention combined with music on depressive symptoms in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the combined Tai Chi and Music intervention significantly reduced depressive symptoms after three months.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Jiang D, Kong W, Jiang JJ.
2016| Rev Recent Clin Trials| PubMed| 27480968| 10.2174/1574887111666160729100829
This review looked at research on the impact of Tai Chi interventions on mental health.
Outcome type: Neutral
The review found 21 eligible studies, but there was limited evidence found on the impact of Tai Chi on mental health.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cushing RE, Braun KL, Alden C-Iayt SW, Katz AR.
2018| Mil Med| PubMed| 29415222| 10.1093/milmed/usx071
This study looked at the impact of Yoga on PTSD symptoms in veterans 18 years or older.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Yoga intervention led to a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms.
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wu YC, Shen SF, Lee SY, Chen LK, Tung HH.
2023| Arch Gerontol Geriatr| PubMed| 36796181| 10.1016/j.archger.2023.104949
This review found studies looking at the impact of mind-body approach interventions on improving resilience in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 9 eligible studies that demonstrated mind-body approaches improved resilience in older adults.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Yao KR, Luo Q, Tang X, Wang ZH, Li L, Zhao L, Zhou L, Li L, Huang L, Yin XH.
2023| Front Neurol| PubMed| 37077563| 10.3389/fneur.2023.1086417
This review found studies looking at the impact of mind-body approach interventions on improving cognition, memory, and executive function in older adults with cognitive impairment.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 15 eligible studies that demonstrated a significant improvement in global cognitive function from Chinese mind-body exercises. Banduanjuin showed significant improvement in global cognitive function, memory function, executive function, and some dimensional scores on the auditory verbal learning test after treatment.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Fusar-Poli L, Bieleninik Ł, Brondino N, Chen XJ, Gold C.
2018| Aging Ment Health| PubMed| 28691506| 10.1080/13607863.2017.1348474
This review found studies looking at the impact of music therapy on the cognitive function of individuals with dementia.
Outcome type: Neutral
This review found 7 eligible studies but no significant impact of music therapy on outcomes from the meta-analyses. A subgroup analysis indicated that music therapy might benefit global cognition.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cuvelier C, Hars M, Zamorani-Bianchi MP, Herrmann FR, Wieczorkiewicz CD, Zekry D, Gold G, Trombetti A.
2023| Pilot Feasibility Stud| PubMed| 37559112| 10.1186/s40814-023-01366-3
The study looked at the feasibility of a hypnosis intervention of 2 sessions, once per week, with the usual rehabilitation program compared to a control group. The aim was to understand the impact on older adults a reduce the fear of falling.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study was found to be feasible with no adverse events related to the intervention.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Gill BK, Cant R, Lam L, Cooper S, Lou VWQ.
2020| Arch Gerontol Geriatr| PubMed| 32135393| 10.1016/j.archger.2020.104037
This review found studies looking at the impact of different non-pharmacologic interventions on depression for older Chinese adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 15 eligible studies that identified Qigong, reminiscence, Tai Chi, and Life Stories as interventions used for depression therapies. Qigong was the only intervention they found to have significant impact on depression.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Booth V, Hood V, Kearney F.
2016| JBI Database System Rev Implement Rep| PubMed| 27532469| 10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-002499
This review found studies that looked at the impact of interventions that combined physical and cognitive elements and the impact on the risk of falls in cognitively impaired older adults. These interventions included physical and cognitive activities, music-based group exercises, and mind-body tai chi.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 8 eligible studies that demonstrated the interventions improved the number of falls, balance, functional mobility, and gait speed.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ardigo S, Herrmann FR, Moret V, Déramé L, Giannelli S, Gold G, Pautex S.
2016| BMC Geriatr| PubMed| 26767506| 10.1186/s12877-016-0180-y
This study looked at the impact of hypnosis versus message interventions on chronic pain in older, hospitalized adults.
Outcome type:
The study found the interventions were feasible and the hypnosis group had greater decrease in the brief pain index than the massage group and depression scores also decreased over time. However, the effect was not long term past 3 months.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Bloise PV, Andrade MC, Machado H, Andreoli SB.
2016| Adv Mind Body Med| PubMed| 27925606|
This study looked at the impact of mindfulness-based interventions (MBI). The study looked at the BMI program, Mindfulness and Movement of Integration (MMI).
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found significant improvement in the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) scores and the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale (PHLMS) scores from the intervention. The correlation between scores was not significant.
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Han AR, Park SA, Ahn BE.
2018| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 29857876| 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.03.011
This study looked at the impact of a horticultural intervention that included once-weekly sessions of a 10-session plan cultivation-based horticultural therapy program.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the intervention significantly decreased cortisol levels.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wu MC, Sung HC, Lee WL, Smith GD.
2015| Int J Nurs Pract| PubMed| 24750268| 10.1111/ijn.12307
This study looked at the impact of a light therapy intervention that included 30 min of sitting in front of a 10000-lux light box 30 min three times a week for 4 weeks. The aim was to determine the impact on depression and sleep disruption in older adults.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found the intervention significantly decreased depression scores, but there was not significant difference between the experimental group and control group.
Peer Reviewed
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Domínguez-Chávez CJ, Salazar-González BC, Murrock CJ.
2019| Res Theory Nurs Pract| PubMed| 31123162| 10.1891/1541-6577.33.2.183
This review found literature on the impact of music therapy interventions on cognition in older adults with dementia.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 28 eligible articles that demonstrated that active and active-passive approaches had significant impact on cognition in the target population.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Borgi M, Collacchi B, Giuliani A, Cirulli F.
2020| Gerontologist| PubMed| 30476083| 10.1093/geront/gny149
This study found literature on the impact of an animal-assisted intervention (AAI), dog visiting, for depressive symptoms in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
This review found studies that demonstrated a positive impact on depressive symptoms from dog visiting.
Meta Analysis
Peer Reviewed
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wu LF, Koo M.
2016| Int J Geriatr Psychiatry| PubMed| 25965388| 10.1002/gps.4300
This study looked at the impact of spiritual reminiscence therapy on the well-being of elderly individuals with dementia.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the intervention had significant improvement in the Heart Hope index, the Life Satisfaction Scale, and the Spirituality Index of Well-Being.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Danila MI, Melnick JA, Mudano A, Flood K, Booth K, Kirklin K, Saag KG.
2018| Innov Aging| PubMed| 29938231| 10.1093/geroni/igy013
This study looked at a storytelling/poetry intervention for hospitalized older adults to understand the effect on delirium screening and patient satisfaction.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the intervention led to lower delirium screening scores.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wen YR, Shi J, Wang YF, Lin YY, Hu ZY, Lin YT, Wang XQ, Wang YL.
2022| Front Aging Neurosci| PubMed| 35800981| 10.3389/fnagi.2022.921069
This study looked at a Mind-body exercise program (MBE) and how it impacted chronic pain, function, quality of life, and adverse events in older and middle-aged people.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 17 eligible studies that demonstrated the MBE intervention led to reduced pain, but with low-certainty evidence.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Alsubiheen A, Petrofsky J, Yu W, Lee H.
2020| Healthcare (Basel)| PubMed| 32947783| 10.3390/healthcare8030342
This study looked at the impact of a Tai Chi (TC) training intervention combined with mental imagery (MI) on individuals with diabetes. The intervention was a one hour session twice a week for 8 weeks to study the impact on blood pressure and cutaneous microcirculatory function.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi and mental imagery combined intervention had posstive impact on functional outcomes and blood pressure.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Sung WH, Liu CC, Wei SH, Chuang LR, Chuang E, Wang KA, Wang JC.
2018| NeuroRehabilitation| PubMed| 30400109| 10.3233/NRE-162061
This study aimed to test the feasibility of an individualized Tai Chi program for older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the individualized Tai Chi intervention showed improved performance on balance control.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ramanathan M, Bhavanani AB, Trakroo M.
2017| Int J Yoga| PubMed| 28149064| 10.4103/0973-6131.186156
This study looked a t the impact of a 12-week yoga intervention that had 60 min session twice a week. The study looked at the impact of the program on mental health status in elderly women inmates.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Yoga intervention led to an increase in the level of self esteem and decrease in depression and anxiety.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wooten SV, Signorile JF, Desai SS, Paine AK, Mooney K.
2018| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 29458919| 10.1016/j.ctim.2017.12.010
The study looked at the impact of a 6 week Yoga intervention for older individuals with 45 minute sessions 3 days a week. The study analyzed the impact of the intervention on proprioception, balance and power in older individuals who have fallen in a YoMed group (YM) and a Proprioception Training Group (PT).
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found that neither the YM or PT group saw changes in measures outside of the dynamic posturography overall score, which was improved in the YM group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zheng GH, Zheng X, Li JZ, Duan TJ, Tao J, Chen LD.
2019| Chin J Integr Med| PubMed| 30519872| 10.1007/s11655-018-3056-5
This study looked at the impact of a Tai Chi Exercise intervention for older community-dwelling adults. The intervention include 60 minutes sessions five times a week for 12 weeks to understand the impact on cardiac and static lung function.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study did not show significant changes in any of the measures analyzed and would need longer duration interventions studies.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Danhauer SC, Miller ME, Divers J, Anderson A, Hargis G, Brenes GA.
2022| Glob Adv Health Med| PubMed| 35601466| 10.1177/2164957X221100405
The study looked at the effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Yoga interventions.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the CBT group had more improvement in pain interference group than the yoga group. Both intervention groups had significant changes in depressive symptoms, generalized anxiety, and fatigue. Neither group showed difference in physical function or social participation.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Park J, Wiese LAK, Holt J.
2023| Clin Gerontol| PubMed| 37941382| 10.1080/07317115.2023.2277333
This study looked at the impact of a home-based online chair yoga program and computer brain game (CBG) that included 45 minute sessions 2 times a week for 12 weeks. The study analyzed rural community-dwelling older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that both groups had significant improvement in pain interference, cognitive function, mobility and computer skills. There was not a difference between the groups.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wang H, Wei A, Lu Y, Yu B, Chen W, Lu Y, Liu Y, Yu D, Zou L.
2016| Evid Based Complement Alternat Med| PubMed| 27956920| 10.1155/2016/5867810
This study looked at two Tai Chi programs to understand the impact on the Functional Movement Screening (FMS). This included a traditional Tai Chi exercise (TTC) and simplified Tai Chi exercise (TCRT) in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that both groups had significant improvement in FMS scores after 6 months. The TCRT group had greater improvement than the TCC group
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Liu J, Tao J, Liu W, Huang J, Xue X, Li M, Yang M, Zhu J, Lang C, Park J, Tu Y, Wilson G, Chen L, Kong J.
2019| Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci| PubMed| 30690554| 10.1093/scan/nsz001
This study looked at the impact two mind-body interventions including Tai Chi Chuan and Banuanjin. The study focused on elderly individuals.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi Chuan group to have greater improvement of rsFC. Tai Chi Chuan also increased posterior cingulate cortex rsFC. Banduanjin decreased rsFC between the mPFC and orbital prefonal gyrus/putamen.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Huang N, Li W, Rong X, Champ M, Wei L, Li M, Mu H, Hu Y, Ma Z, Lyu J.
2019| J Alzheimers Dis| PubMed| 31743998| 10.3233/JAD-190487
This study looked at the impact of a Tai Chi exercise program for older adults with mild dementia.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Tai Chi intervention might improve cognitive function and mental well being in the study population.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
McCaffrey R, Park J, Newman D, Hagen D.
2014| Res Gerontol Nurs| PubMed| 24568209| 10.3928/19404921-20140218-01
This study looked at the feasibility of an 8-week chair yoga program (Sit'N'Fit Chair Yoga Program) for older adults with Alzheimer's.
Outcome type: Favorable
This study found positive impact of the program in Six-Minute Walk test, the Gait Speed Test, and the Berg Balance Scale.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lopes S, Shi L, Pan X, Gu Y, Dengler-Crish C, Li Y, Tiwari B, Zhang D.
2023| Mindfulness (N Y)| PubMed| 37808263| 10.1007/s12671-023-02165-w
This study looked at a medication practice and cognitive function intervention. The study aimed to understand the impact on cognitive function in middle aged and older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study did not find meditation to be significantly related to total recall, global cognitive function and quantitative reasoning among the full group. Participants that did not have depressive symptoms at the start of the study did show positive changes in cognitive outcomes with medication more than twice a week.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Faisal MAA, Chowdhury MEH, Khandakar A, Hossain MS, Alhatou M, Mahmud S, Ara I, Sheikh SI, Ahmed MU.
2022| Comput Biol Med| PubMed| 35016098| 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.105184
This study looked at the impact of a 6-month Tai Chi intervention on joint function for knee osteoarthritis patients.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found Tai Chi to positively impact walking gait dynamics.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Xiao T, Yang L, Smith L, Loprinzi PD, Veronese N, Yao J, Zhang Z, Yu JJ.
2020| Front Psychol| PubMed| 32328017| 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00668
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi (TC) on balance and global cognitive function. The intervention was 12 weeks with a focus on middle aged and older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found Tai Chi was positively correlated with change scores of cognitive function and balance.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ge Y, Liu H, Wu Q, Chen A, Gao Z, Xing F, Liu G.
2022| Physiother Theory Pract| PubMed| 34076569| 10.1080/09593985.2021.1926023
The study looked at the impact of an 8 week 8 form Tai Chi exercise intervention on pre-frail elderly individuals. The study observed the impact on physical function, fear of falling, and depression.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study showed the 8-form Tai Chi intervention had significant positive impact on 30s chair rise tests, fear of falling and the Geriatric Depression Scale at week 8 of the intervention..
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Siu MY, Lee DTF.
2018| BMC Geriatr| PubMed| 29394884| 10.1186/s12877-018-0720-8
This study looked at the impact of a Tai Chi program that included two one-hour sessions a week for 16 weeks. The goal was to determine the intervention effect on instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) on community-dwelling individuals 60+ with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention significantly improved scores on the Chinese version of the Mini-Mental State Examination (CMMSE) and IADL questionnaire. Minimum detectable change (MDC) was not exceeded.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kuru Alici N, Arikan Dönmez A.
2020| Complement Ther Clin Pract| PubMed| 33217706| 10.1016/j.ctcp.2020.101252
This study reviewed literature analyzing the impact of laughter yoga on physical function and psychosocial outcomes.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found 7 eligible studies that demonstrated a significant impact on physical function and psychosocial health from laughter interventions.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Mao M, Mercer VS, Li F, Gross MT, Blackburn T, Yu B.
2024| BMC Complement Med Ther| PubMed| 38448853| 10.1186/s12906-024-04382-9
This study looked at an 16-week Tai Chi program to understand the impact it had on balance and functional mobility for older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention led to significant improvement in the Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Timed Up and Go (TUG) test, room mean square amplitude of COP displacement in the anterior-posterior, and medial, lateral directions.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ji Z, Li A, Feng T, Liu X, You Y, Meng F, Wang R, Lu J, Zhang C.
2017| PeerJ| PubMed| 29062610| 10.7717/peerj.3943
This cross-sectional study looked at the impact of different exercises on cognitive tasks. The study groups included a Tai Chi (TC) group, a brisk walking group (BG) and a control group (CG).
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the TC and BG intervention groups had significantly improved executive condition of cognitive tasks and fitness than the CG. The study did not find significant results for reaction time.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Hunter SD, Dhindsa MS, Cunningham E, Tarumi T, Alkatan M, Nualnim N, Elmenshawy A, Tanaka H.
2017| J Bodyw Mov Ther| PubMed| 28167186| 10.1016/j.jbmt.2016.06.004
This study looked at the impact of Bikram yoga intervention of 3 weekly classes for 8 weeks on endothelial function in young, middle-aged, and older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that brachial artery flow mediated dilation was increased in middle and older aged adults. This indicated the yoga intervention could have benefits for these two groups.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Miller S, Taylor-Piliae RE.
2018| J Sport Health Sci| PubMed| 30356498| 10.1016/j.jshs.2017.01.013
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive and physical function in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Tai Chi intervention significantly improved in the Driving Scenes Test, maze navigation, Useful Field of View Test, Rapid Walk test, and the Right Foot Tapping Test.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chen PY, Song CY, Yen HY, Lin PC, Chen SR, Lu LH, Tien CL, Wang XM, Lin CH.
2021| BMC Geriatr| PubMed| 34332537| 10.1186/s12877-021-02390-9
This study looked at the impact of tai chi for community-dwelling older adults with degenerative osteoarthritis in the knee.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention significantly increased functional fitness test scores in the intervention group after the 12-week intervention.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ngai SP, Jones AY, Tam WW.
2016| Cochrane Database Syst Rev| PubMed| 27272131| 10.1002/14651858.CD009953.pub2
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on dyspnoea and exercise in individuals with CPOD.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 12 eligible studies that demonstrated positive impacts of Tai Chi on six-minute walk distance and pulmonary function. Other measures were inconclusive and more research needs to be done.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Bhattacharyya KK, Andel R, Small BJ.
2021| Arch Gerontol Geriatr| PubMed| 33338831| 10.1016/j.archger.2020.104319
This study reviewed current research on the impact of Yoga-related mind-body therapies on cognitive decline in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 12 eligible studies that demonstrated the yoga intervention had significant positive impact on memory, executive function, and attention and processing speed.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Liu CL, Cheng FY, Wei MJ, Liao YY.
2022| Front Aging Neurosci| PubMed| 35370622| 10.3389/fnagi.2022.761053
This study looked at the impact of two Tai Chi (TC) programs offered in 36 training sessions for 12 weeks on cognitive function and dual-talk walking in older adults with MCI. The two programs were exergaming-based TC (EXER-TC) and Traditional TC (TC)
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the TC intervention and EXER-TC groups both had positive impact on Stroop Color and Word Test, the Trail Making Test Parts A and B, one-back test, gait speed, and dual-task cost of gait speed compared to the control. The EXER-TC group also had positive effect in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test compared to the control group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Taylor-Piliae R, Finley BA.
2020| J Cardiovasc Nurs| PubMed| 32544110| 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000703
This review looked at current evidence for the impact of Tai Chi on individuals with chronic health failure (CHF).
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 6 eligible studies the demonstrated Tai Chi led to significantly better exercise capacity, improved quality of life, decease depression, and decreased b-type natriuretic peptide expression.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wei L, Chai Q, Chen J, Wang Q, Bao Y, Xu W, Ma E.
2022| Disabil Rehabil| PubMed| 33043709| 10.1080/09638288.2020.1830311
This study looked at current evidence on the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive rehabilitation. The study focused on elderly adults with mild cognitive impairment.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found 12 eligible studies that demonstrated the Tai Chi intervention had positive effect on global cognitive ability and long-term delayed recall. It also had a moderate significant impact on improving executive function.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Bonura KB, Tenenbaum G.
2014| J Phys Act Health| PubMed| 24366852| 10.1123/jpah.2012-0365
This study looked at the impact of a yoga intervention for older adults that included chair yoga, chair exercise and control groups. The study looked at how the intervention impacted psychological health.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that yoga was had significant improvement in participant anger, depression, anxiety, well-being, general self-efficacy, and self-efficacy for daily living than the exercise and control participants.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Xu F, Delmonico MJ, Lofgren IE, Uy KM, Maris SA, Quintanilla D, Taetzsch AG, Letendre J, Mahler L.
2017| J Frailty Aging| PubMed| 28721435| 10.14283/jfa.2017.16
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi combined with resistance training and a diet intervention on cognitive function in a 12-week intervention. The study participants included 25 older, obese women.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the combined intervention let to improved domain specific cognitive function.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lee SY, Nyunt MSZ, Gao Q, Gwee X, Chua DQL, Yap KB, Wee SL, Ng TP.
2022| Age Ageing| PubMed| 35380607| 10.1093/ageing/afac086
The study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on physical and cognitive function, frailty, quality of life (QOL) and mortality in community-dwelling adults 55+.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention was associated with decreased impaired physical QOL, odds of incident prefrailty/frailty, and impaired mental QOL. The mortality risk findings were not significant.
Prospective Cohort Study
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Eda N, Ito H, Shimizu K, Suzuki S, Lee E, Akama T.
2018| J Women Aging| PubMed| 28368782| 10.1080/08952841.2017.1295689
This study looked at the impact of yoga on mucosal immune function and mental stress in adult women .
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that SIgA concentration and secretion rate increased after yoga. Cortisol was lower and testosterone was higher after yoga.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zou L, Wang C, Tian Z, Wang H, Shu Y.
2017| Sports (Basel)| PubMed| 29910412| 10.3390/sports5030052
This study looked at the impact of a Tang-Style Tai Chi intervention in adults 65+. The study looked at the impact on gait parameters and musculoskeletal flexibility.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the 8-week Tai Chi intervention led to significant improvement in gate parameter, stance phase, gate speed, swing phase, double support time, flexibility-related outcomes, single hip flexor, plantar flexion, range of motion, lateral pelvic tilt, pelvic rotation, hip range of motion, and ankle range of motion.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zhao W, Ju H, Zhu K.
2024| Aging Male| PubMed| 38259166| 10.1080/13685538.2023.2282977
This review looked at literature on the impact of Tai Chi on blood pressure, lipid levels, and glucose concentrations for older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 57 eligible studies demonstrating Tai Chi led to improved systolic and diastolic blood pressure, triglyceride, and fasting glucose concentrations in middle-aged and elderly adults.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wang YT, Goh CH, Liao T, Dong XN, Duke G, Alfred D, Yang Y, Xu J, Yu S.
2021| Res Sports Med| PubMed| 32546105| 10.1080/15438627.2020.1777553
This study looked at the impact of a combination intervention of a 12-week Wheelchair Tai Chi Ball (WTCB) with mind-body excise and strength training in elderly adults with disability. The goal was to determine the impact on mental health and functional ability.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention significantly improved Pain Self Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ) results, physical health and muscle strength.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Barrows J, Fleury J.
2022| Geriatr Nurs| PubMed| 35217325| 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2022.02.003
This study looked at the impact of a Yoga intervention for older community-dwelling adults on motivation of physical activity.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found the Yoga intervention had significant impact on BMI, but had no effect on physical activity and cardiovascular outcomes.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kuang X, Dong Y, Song L, Dong L, Chao G, Zhang X, Yang J.
2024| Front Public Health| PubMed| 38259770| 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1295342
This review looked at evidence of the impact Tai Chi interventions have on anxiety and depression in older adults.
Outcome type:
The review found 20 eligible studies that demonstrated Tai Chi reduced anxiety and depression compared to control groups.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Bhattacharyya KK, Hueluer G, Meng H, Hyer K.
2021| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 34118391| 10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102751
This study looked at the impact of a movement-based mind-body practice intervention on long-term cognitive health in middle aged and older adults.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found that the Mind-body practice intervention led to a smaller decline in episodic memory, but did not have a significant effect on executive function.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lipsitz LA, Macklin EA, Travison TG, Manor B, Gagnon P, Tsai T, Aizpurúa II, Lo OY, Wayne PM.
2019| J Am Geriatr Soc| PubMed| 31116883| 10.1111/jgs.15986
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on physical function for older adults. The study specifically looked at older adults living in low-income housing facilities.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention led to improved Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) scores over 12 months.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lei H, Ma Z, Tian K, Liu K, Wang J, Zhu X, Mi B, Chen Y, Yang Q, Jiang H.
2022| Front Aging Neurosci| PubMed| 36105909| 10.3389/fnagi.2022.936027
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on balance and motor ability for individuals with Parkinson's
Outcome type:
The study found that the 24-from Tai Chi and Tai Chi Exercise programs were the most effective interventions.
Meta Analysis
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ren FF, Chen FT, Zhou WS, Cho YM, Ho TJ, Hung TM, Chang YK.
2021| Front Psychol| PubMed| 34093345| 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.656141
This study looked at the impact of Chinese mind-body exercises (CMBEs) on executive function (EF) for middle aged and older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 29 studies that demonstrated CMBEs positively impact overall EF and subdomains of working memory and shifting.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Gómez-Campos R, Vidal-Espinoza R, Vega-Novoa S, Silva Ramos de Lázari M, Urzua-Alul L, Portugal MR, De la Torre Choque C, Cossio-Bolaños M.
2023| Eur J Transl Myol| PubMed| 37199220| 10.4081/ejtm.2023.11155
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on balance, motor function and fear of falling in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Tai Chi intervention improved functional fitness and decreased risk of falling.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Pluto-Pradzynska A, Pluto-Pradzynska K, Frydrychowicz M, Lagiedo-Zelazowska M, Owoc J, Benjamin S, Au TY, Jaracz K, Dworacki G, Wysocki J, Wasik J.
2022| BMJ Open| PubMed| 36167364| 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059658
This cross-sectional study loos at the impact of yoga on quality of life.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found there was significant increase in QOL associated with the yoga intervention
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Portz JD, Waddington E, Atler KE, Van Puymbroeck M, Schmid AA.
2018| Clin Gerontol| PubMed| 28452644| 10.1080/07317115.2016.1252453
This study looks at the impact of Yoga on physical fitness in older individuals with chronic stoke.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the yoga intervention show significant improvement in endurance, and lower and upper body strength.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Hazlett-Stevens H, Singer J, Chong A.
2019| Clin Gerontol| PubMed| 30204557| 10.1080/07317115.2018.1518282
This qualitative review looked at the impact of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found that the MBSR and MBCT interventions are feasible and could have benefits for older adults, but additional research is needed.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Tao D, Awan-Scully R, Ash GI, Pei Z, Gu Y, Gao Y, Cole A, Baker JS.
2023| Ageing Res Rev| PubMed| 37944706| 10.1016/j.arr.2023.102120
This study reviewed current research on the impact of dance movement interventions (DMI) for older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and dementia.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that there was a significant impact of dance interventions on global cognition, memory, balance, and depression.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zhao J, Chau JPC, Lo SHS, Choi KC, Liang S.
2021| Int J Nurs Stud| PubMed| 33751992| 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2021.103911
This study looked at the literature on the impact of sitting Tai Chi on different health outcomes for individuals with impaired physical mobility.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 11 studies that showed significant impact of the sitting Tai Chi intervention on depressive symptoms, heart rate, and social domain of quality of life.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cai Z, Jiang W, Yin J, Chen Z, Wang J, Wang X.
2020| Evid Based Complement Alternat Med| PubMed| 33424991| 10.1155/2020/6683302
This study looked for literature on the impact of Tai Chi Chuan( TCC) on cognitive function in elderly individuals.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 19 studies that showed significant impact on cognitive function.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kendall JC, Hartvigsen J, Azari MF, French SD.
2016| Phys Ther| PubMed| 26450972| 10.2522/ptj.20150349
The study identified research looking at the impact of nonpharmacological interventions on dizziness in older people.
Outcome type: Neutral
The review found 7 studies, but found insufficient evidence
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zheng G, Zheng X, Li J, Duan T, Ling K, Tao J, Chen L.
2019| J Aging Phys Act| PubMed| 30747548| 10.1123/japa.2018-0232
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on adults at risk of ischemic stroke.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the intervention had significant improvement on the minimum of blood flow velocity after 12 weeks.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Groessl EJ, Maiya M, Schmalzl L, Wing D, Jeste DV.
2018| BMC Geriatr| PubMed| 30541474| 10.1186/s12877-018-0988-8
This study aimed to understand the feasibility and safety of a yoga intervention for older adults at risk of mobility limitations.
Outcome type:
The study found high 10-week follow-up and attendance of participants. There were no serious adverse events and they determined the study was feasible and could be conducted as a larger RCT.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Sungkarat S, Boripuntakul S, Kumfu S, Lord SR, Chattipakorn N.
2018| Neurorehabil Neural Repair| PubMed| 29353543| 10.1177/1545968317753682
This study analyzed the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive function.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention significantly improved logical memory and trial making test B minus A (TMT B-A). The TC group also had significantly increased plasma BDNF levels.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wayne PM, Gow BJ, Hou F, Ma Y, Hausdorff JM, Lo J, Rist PM, Peng CK, Lipsitz LA, Novak V, Manor B.
2021| PLoS One| PubMed| 33481829| 10.1371/journal.pone.0242963
This cross-sectional and randomized trial looked at the impact of Tai Chi on falls, balance, gait in health adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that higher co-contraction index (CCI) scores were correlated with slower gait speed in cognitive dual-task conditions. It showed that Tai Chi experts had lower CCI than Tai Chi naïve participants.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Widjaja W, Wongwattanapong T, Laskin JJ, Ajjimaporn A.
2021| Complement Ther Clin Pract| PubMed| 33706066| 10.1016/j.ctcp.2021.101345
This study looked at the impact of Thai Yoga on fitness measures in elderly, overweight/obese women.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Thai Yoga intervention showed significant improvement in all fitness measures compared to the control group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kelley GA, Kelley KS.
2020| J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci| PubMed| 31814012| 10.1093/gerona/glz284
This study looked a the impact of Yoga on mental well-being (MWB) and health-related quality-of-life (HRQOL) in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Yoga intervention significantly improved HRQOL and MWB.
Meta Analysis
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Heidari M, Ghodusi Borujeni M, Rezaei P, Kabirian Abyaneh S, Heidari K.
2020| Malays J Med Sci| PubMed| 32863751| 10.21315/mjms2020.27.4.11
This study looked at the impact of Laughter Therapy (LT) on depression and quality of life (QOL) in older individuals.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the intervention led to decreased depression.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Bartos LJ, Meek GA, Berger BG.
2022| Percept Mot Skills| PubMed| 35613041| 10.1177/00315125221100820
This study analyzed the impact of Yoga on falling in older adults by comparing participants in a yoga program, exercise program, and control group with no program.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Yoga participants scored higher on lower extremity flexibility than the exercise program participants, and might be at less risk of falling.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Choo YT, Jiang Y, Hong J, Wang W.
2020| Int J Nurs Stud| PubMed| 32891966| 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103737
This study looked at current literature on the impact of Tai Chi on quality of life (QOL), depressive symptoms and physical function in older adults living in the community with chronic disease.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 13 eligible studies that indicated a small positive impact of Tai Chi on QOL and depressive symptoms.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Suárez-Iglesias D, García-Porro M, Clardy A, Ayán Pérez C.
2022| Disabil Rehabil| PubMed| 34100670| 10.1080/09638288.2021.1933617
This study looked at the feasibility of a 10-week chair-based yoga intervention for adults with neutralizability and moderate to severe physical dependence.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study showed the intervention was feasible. IT found that their was a significant positive effect on body awareness, emotional awareness, and trusting. There was not significant impact on HRQoL.
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Shen QQ, Yin HC, Cui L, Zhang JY, Wang DL, Zhu LN, Wang Y, Li XJ.
2021| Front Behav Neurosci| PubMed| 34803624| 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.747733
This study looked at the impact of an 8-week Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) intervention on functional brain activity and cognitive function in young adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that TCC had a positive correlation with processing efficiency.
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Sun J, Kanagawa K, Sasaki J, Ooki S, Xu H, Wang L.
2015| J Phys Ther Sci| PubMed| 26157242| 10.1589/jpts.27.1467
This study analyzed the impact of Tai Chi for a 6 month period on physical function in elderly individuals
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found mixed results with no significant difference between groups for one let standing time with eyes open, left grip strength or frontal assessment battery. The study found higher Mini-Mental State Examinations scores in the Tai Chi group after 3 and 6 months and increased right grip strength. There was a significant decrease in 5m high walking speed and 10m normal walking speed in the Tai Chi Group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Park M, Song R, Ju K, Shin JC, Seo J, Fan X, Gao X, Ryu A, Li Y.
2023| BMC Geriatr| PubMed| 37280512| 10.1186/s12877-023-04070-2
This study looks at existing studies showing the impact of Tai Chi and Qigong interventions on cognitive and physical function in older adults
Outcome type: Favorable
This study found 17 studies that demonstrated a significant positive impact on cognitive and physical function from Tai Chi and Qigong
Meta Analysis
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Oh H, Song R, Kim SJ.
2023| BMC Geriatr| PubMed| 36869290| 10.1186/s12877-023-03840-2
This study uses a quasi-experimental design to look at the impact and feasibility of a Tai Chi intervention on older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or dementia.
Outcome type: Favorable
This study found that Tai chi significantly improved right-hand grip strength and physical-health-related QoL in individuals with MCI. TUG scores significantly improved in both MCI and dementia groups.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Baklouti S, Fekih-Romdhane F, Guelmami N, Bonsaksen T, Baklouti H, Aloui A, Masmoudi L, Souissi N, Jarraya M.
2023| Complement Ther Clin Pract| PubMed| 36521407| 10.1016/j.ctcp.2022.101715
This study analyzed the impact of an 8-week online Hatha yoga intervention on the psychological and quality of sleep of older adults
Outcome type: Favorable
The study showed that the Yoga intervention significantly decreased depression, anxiety, and stress. The study also found that the PSQI score related to the quality of sleep significantly improved in the intervention group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Mental Health
Linking Gap and Impact
Zhou M, Peng N, Dai Q, Li HW, Shi RG, Huang W.
2016| Chin J Integr Med| PubMed| 26015074| 10.1007/s11655-015-2104-7
This cross-sectional study looked at the long term impact of Tai Chi over a 6-12 month period on muscle strength.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found increased strength in the intervention group but the strength did not differ between age groups.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ko KY, Kwok ZCM, Chan HY.
2023| Int J Older People Nurs| PubMed| 37577926| 10.1111/opn.12562
This study looked at the existing literature on the impact of yoga on physical and psychological outcomes in adults 60+.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found significant improvement in balance, flexibility, muscle strength, and depressive symptoms from Yoga. It also found that yoga decreased anxiety. There were inconclusive results on the impact on gait and other psychological outcomes.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zhang S, Zou L, Chen LZ, Yao Y, Loprinzi PD, Siu PM, Wei GX.
2019| Int J Environ Res Public Health| PubMed| 31438638| 10.3390/ijerph16173033
This study looked at a Tai Chi Chuan intervention and its impact on negative emotions such as anxiety and depression.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found 14 studies that demonstrated the intervention had a positive impact on negative emotions. They also found that older adults benefit more from the intervention than young adults.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kelley GA, Kelley KS, Callahan LF.
2022| Sci Prog| PubMed| 35379041| 10.1177/00368504221088375
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi in older adults with knee osteoarthritis.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that Tai Chi had significant positive effects on pain, stiffness, and physical function.
Meta Analysis
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Taylor-Piliae RE, Finley BA.
2020| Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs| PubMed| 32515204| 10.1177/1474515120926068
This study looks at the impact of a Tai Chi intervention on the psychological well-being of individuals with cardiovascular disease.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 15 studies that demonstrated the intervention significantly improved general QOL, mental health QOL, physical health QOL, depression and phycological distress.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Cardiovascular Disorders
Linking Intervention and Impact
Pan J, Liu C, Li L, Zhang S.
2020| Gait Posture| PubMed| 32896796| 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.08.124
This study looked at the impact of a Tai Chi intervention on postural time to contact. This was measured by having participants fit a block through two different openings/distances.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that those in the Tai Chi group had significantly longer postural time to contact than those who were not.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Caron A, Gallo WT, Durbin LL, Mielenz TJ.
2017| J Altern Complement Med| PubMed| 27967210| 10.1089/acm.2016.0095
This cross-sectional study looked at how complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) impacted falls in older adults. The CAM interventions included alternative medical systems, biologically based therapies, manipulative and body-based therapies, mind-body therapies, and movement therapies
Outcome type: Unfavorable
The study found that individuals that had tried manipulative and body-based therapies had a higher likelihood of falling. The study noted this could be due to this group seeking therapy for chronic pain. There were no other significant findings.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Qi M, Moyle W, Jones C, Weeks B.
2020| J Geriatr Phys Ther| PubMed| 30531200| 10.1519/JPT.0000000000000218
This study looked a the impact of Tai Chi on health promotion in older adults (50+)
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 7 studies that met the criteria. The studies demonstrated that Tai Chi significantly improved upper and lower extremity muscle strength, aerobic endurance, balance, and mobility.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chen ML, Wotiz SB, Banks SM, Connors SA, Shi Y.
2021| Int J Environ Res Public Health| PubMed| 33808633| 10.3390/ijerph18063179
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive impairment in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
This review found 16 studies that demonstrated Tai Chi had positive impact on cognitive function, but not on dose duration effects on cognition.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Tsang WWN, Chan KK, Cheng CN, Hu FSF, Mak CTK, Wong JWC.
2019| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 30670231| 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.11.005
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive function. The study included Tai Chi for mind-body exercise and arm ergometry that was a body focused exercise.
Outcome type: Favorable
This study found that the Tai Chi intervention significantly changed the levels of oxyhemoglobin and total hemoglobin for the Tai Chi group. The study found that brain activity was higher in the TC group versus the AE group.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wang YT, Li Z, Yang Y, Zhong Y, Lee SY, Chen S, Chen YP.
2016| Res Sports Med| PubMed| 27248716| 10.1080/15438627.2016.1191487
This study analyzed the impact of a 12-week Wheelchair Tai Chi From Intervention on physical and mental health measures in older adults with disability.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the intervention showed significant improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, shoulder external rotation, left trunk rotation, and total trunk rotation.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Johnson PJ, Jou J, Rhee TG, Rockwood TH, Upchurch DM.
2016| Maturitas| PubMed| 27180158| 10.1016/j.maturitas.2016.04.012
This study looked at 2012 National Health Interview Survey data to understand the impact of complementary health approaches (CHA) on midlife and older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that individuals using wellness-only and combined treatment had significantly higher odds of reporting benefits than treatment only users.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cheng D, Wang X, Hu J, Dai LL, Lv Y, Feng H, Zhang Y, Guo Y, Wang L.
2021| Chin J Integr Med| PubMed| 33420583| 10.1007/s11655-021-3278-9
This study looks at the impact of Tai Chi (TC) and Resistance training (RT) on cancer-related fatigue and quality of life for middle-aged and elderly cancer patients. The TC group had sessions 40 minutes per day, 3 days a week, for 12 weeks. The RT group had 10 sessions, 6 designated movements per day, 3 days a week for 12 weeks.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the 12-week intervention had significant improvement in cancer-related fatigue (CRF) and quality of life (QoL) in both the TC and RT groups. The TC group also showed significant improvement in lower limb muscle strength and GAD-7, PHQ-9, and PSQI scores compared to the RT groups.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kashyap K, Dhar M, Bisht K, Bahurupi Y, Pathania M.
2023| BMJ Open| PubMed| 38151281| 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-070540
The study aimed to understand the impact of Yoga on the fear of falling in older adults.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study reports the design but does not currently have the findings.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Welford P, Östh J, Hoy S, Diwan V, Hallgren M.
2022| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 35143970| 10.1016/j.ctim.2022.102815
This study looked at the impact of yoga and aerobic exercise (AE) in older adults that are physically inactive.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that both yoga and AE shooed a positive impact on well-being. Yoga was found to be associated with fewer adverse events.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Shree Ganesh HR, Subramanya P, Rao M R, Udupa V.
2021| J Bodyw Mov Ther| PubMed| 34391308| 10.1016/j.jbmt.2021.04.012
This study looked at the impact of Yoga over a 3 month intervention on the sleep and constipation related quality of life (QOL) in older women
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the yoga intervention significantly improved sleep quality and constipation related QOL.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kim TH, Pascual-Leone J, Johnson J, Tamim H.
2016| BMC Psychol| PubMed| 27245444| 10.1186/s40359-016-0137-0
The study looked at the impact of a 16-week Tai Chi intervention on specific mental-attentional executive processes
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Tai Chi group had significant gain on Figural Intersections Task (mental-attentional capacity), Antisaccade (attentional inhibition), and Matrix Reasoning (fluid intelligence measure). It also found that both interventions improved Water Level Task (attentional balance).
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Cheng L, Qian L, Chang S, He B.
2021| Res Sports Med| PubMed| 33401978| 10.1080/15438627.2020.1870976
The study looked at the impact of a 24 week Tai Chi intervention on the psychological health and sleep quality of older adult women.
Outcome type: Favorable
Tai Chi had a positive effect on fatigue, depression, vigor, and sleep quality on older adult women. The effect on depression and sleep quality lasted 4 weeks after the intervention stopped
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Liu F, Chen X, Nie P, Lin S, Guo J, Chen J, Yu L.
2021| J Altern Complement Med| PubMed| `| 10.1089/acm.2021.0084
The review looked at literature on the impact of Tai Chi intervention among different populations' cognitive function improvement.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 33 studies demonstrating Tai Chi could improve cognitive function in middle-aged and elderly people with cognitive impairment and older adults and college students
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ye Y, Liu A.
2023| Int J Gen Med| PubMed| 37814642| 10.2147/IJGM.S434800
This review looked at literature on the impact of Tai Chi for Knee Osteoarthritis in older individuals.
Outcome type: Neutral
The review found six eligibility studies that demonstrated Tai Chi is effective in the integrative treatment of KOA but does not have enough quality of evidence.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Jafari-Koulaee A, Elyasi F, Taraghi Z, Sadat Ilali E, Moosazadeh M.
2020| Cent Asian J Glob Health| PubMed| 35866093| 10.5195/cajgh.2020.442
This review found literature on the impact of aromatherapy with lavender essential oil on depression.
Outcome type: Neutral
The review found 9 eligible studies with mixed results. Some studies showed positive effects of aromatherapy with lavender essential oil on depression and some reported no significant effect.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wang Y, Tang C, Fan X, Shirai K, Dong JY.
2022| Eur Geriatr Med| PubMed| 35377128| 10.1007/s41999-022-00639-z
This review found literature on the impact of mind-body therapies (MBTs) on older adults with dementia
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 9 eligible studies demonstrating that MBTs could improve some health outcomes among older populations with dementia
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wu Y, Senk C, Coll P, Glenney S, Zaborowski K, Fortinsky R, Taylor B, Park C, Benson K, McGowan M, DiBiasi S, Chen MH, Pescatello L.
2021| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 33989797| 10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102731
This study looked at the impact of two Tai Chi interventions (PRESSURE and BALANCE) that aimed to improve blood pressure or balance.
Outcome type: Favorable
PRESSURE significantly improved chair sit-to-stand (CSTS) test and gait speed compared to the control. BALANCE significantly improved single let stance test and CSTS and tended to lower SBP compared to the control group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Schmid W, Rosland JH, von Hofacker S, Hunskår I, Bruvik F.
2018| BMC Palliat Care| PubMed| 29463240| 10.1186/s12904-018-0286-4
This study aimed to understand providers' and users' perspective on music therapy in palliative care
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 12 eligible studies that showed positive changes in psycho-physiological well-being from both quantitative and qualitative research.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
McLaughlin EC, El-Kotob R, Chaput JP, Janssen I, Kho ME, Poitras VJ, Ross R, Ross-White A, Saunders TJ, Sherrington C, Giangregorio LM.
2020| Appl Physiol Nutr Metab| PubMed| 33054334| 10.1139/apnm-2020-0279
This review looked at literature on the effect of balance and functional strength training on health outcomes.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 5 eligible studies that demonstrated a positive impact from balance and functional training on reduced falls and improved health outcomes. The studies all focused on adults 65 and older.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Brenes GA, Danhauer SC, Divers J, Miller ME.
2021| Comparing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Yoga for Helping Older Adults Address High Levels of Worry| PubMed| 38237006| 10.25302/03.2021.CER.151133007
This study looked at the impact of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and yoga on worry.
Outcome type: Favorable
Both CBT and yoga led to decrease in worry and anxiety symptom. CBT improved sleep more than Yoga.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ma Y, Gow BJ, Song R, Rist PM, Hausdorff JM, Lipsitz LA, Manor B, Wayne PM.
2024| Aging Cell| PubMed| 37905388| 10.1111/acel.14023
This study looked at the impact of both long-term and short-term Tai Chi (TC) training on age-related decline in physical function in healthy older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that long term TC training improved physical function in older adults, but the short term impact was not significant. The study found that more research will be needed.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Youkhana S, Dean CM, Wolff M, Sherrington C, Tiedemann A.
2016| Age Ageing| PubMed| 26707903| 10.1093/ageing/afv175
This review found literature looking at the impact of a yoga-based exercise intervention on balance and physical mobility.
Outcome type: Favorable
This review identified 6 eligible studies that showed small improvements in balance and medium improvements in physical mobility.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Buto MSS, de Oliveira MPB, Carvalho C, Vassimon-Barroso V, Takahashi ACM.
2020| Arch Gerontol Geriatr| PubMed| 32860990| 10.1016/j.archger.2020.104236
This review found literature on the impact of complementary therapies on prefrail and frail older adults. Tai Chi was the therapy with the main findings.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 15 eligible studies that demonstrated Tai Chi could improve functional capacity and quality of life.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chen Y, Wan A, Mao M, Sun W, Song Q, Mao D.
2022| Front Aging Neurosci| PubMed| 36466597| 10.3389/fnagi.2022.1000427
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive function of the prefrontal cortex in a 16 week intervention.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention led to improved cognitive resources.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kong J, Tian C, Zhu L.
2023| J Orthop Surg Res| PubMed| 38072989| 10.1186/s13018-023-04324-0
This study looked a the impact of a 16-week Tai Chi intervention on bone mineral density (BMD). The target population was elderly individuals with osteoporosis (OP)
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the Tai Chi intervention led to significant improvement sin BMD.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chobe S, Chobe M, Metri K, Patra SK, Nagaratna R.
2020| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 32951703| 10.1016/j.ctim.2020.102421
The study looked at the impact of Yoga on cognitive and mental health in elderly individuals.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 13 RCTs and found that the yoga intervention had positive impacts on attention, executive functions among cognitive variables and depression in elderly individuals.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Yan ZW, Yang Z, Yang J, Chen YF, Zhang XB, Song CL.
2022| J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil| PubMed| 35599469| 10.3233/BMR-210247
This study analyzed the impact of Tai Chi on the gait and dynamic balance of elderly women. The intervention included Tai Chi 3 times a week for 6 weeks in 60 minute sessions.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Tai Chi intervention significantly decreased VAS, stride width, gait velocity, stride length
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Song J, Wei L, Cheng K, Lin Q, Xia P, Wang X, Wang X, Yang T, Chen B, Ding A, Sun M, Chen A, Li X.
2022| Front Aging Neurosci| PubMed| 35721018| 10.3389/fnagi.2022.860762
This study looks at the impact of Tai Chi on Knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in elderly women.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the Tai Chi intervention significantly improved pain, stiffness, and physical function using the Western Ontario and McMaster university Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) measure.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Shin S.
2021| Int J Environ Res Public Health| PubMed| 34770176| 10.3390/ijerph182111663
This study looks at the impact of a yoga intervention for 9-12 weeks on physical fitness of elderly individuals in their 60s and 70s.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the yoga intervention had a positive effect on muscle strength, balance, and flexibility.
Meta Analysis
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Huang CY, Mayer PK, Wu MY, Liu DH, Wu PC, Yen HR.
2022| Ageing Res Rev| PubMed| 36223875| 10.1016/j.arr.2022.101747
This review found literature on the impact of Tai Chi on muscle mass, strength, and physical function. The target population included elderly individuals with sarcopenia and frailty.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 11 eligible studies that demonstrated significant benefit from Tai Chi on 30-second chair and stand test, timed up and go test, number of falls, and fear of falling. No effect was found on muscle mass, grip strength, gait speed, or Short Physical Performance Battery Scores.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
van der Wal CN, Kok RN.
2019| Soc Sci Med| PubMed| 31029483| 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.02.018
The review found literature on the impact of laughter inducing therapies on mental and physical health.
Outcome type: Favorable
Laughter-inducing therapies were shown to improve depression, but the study quality was low and had a substantial risk of bias.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chen Y, Qin J, Tao L, Liu Z, Huang J, Liu W, Xu Y, Tang Q, Liu Y, Chen Z, Chen S, Liang S, Chen C, Xie J, Liu J, Chen L, Tao J.
2023| JAMA Netw Open| PubMed| 37022680| 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.7004
This study looked at the impact of Tai Chi Chuan and fitness walking for cognitive function. The study had a target population of individuals with T2D and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that Tai chi Chuan improved Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores after 36 weeks. The study found that Tai Chi had more of an impact on global cognitive function than fitness walking.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Loewenthal J, Innes KE, Mitzner M, Mita C, Orkaby AR.
2023| Ann Intern Med| PubMed| 36913687| 10.7326/M22-2553
This review found literature on the impact of a yoga-based interventions on frailty in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 22 studies that demonstrated Yoga had positive impact on frailty markers, but might not be more effective than other active interventions.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ball EL, Owen-Booth B, Gray A, Shenkin SD, Hewitt J, McCleery J.
2020| Cochrane Database Syst Rev| PubMed| 32813272| 10.1002/14651858.CD003150.pub3
The review looked literature on the impact of aromatherapy interventions on individuals with dementia in a
Outcome type: Neutral
The review identified 13 eligible studies, but no benefit was found from aromatherapy.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Li X, Si H, Chen Y, Li S, Yin N, Wang Z.
2020| PLoS One| PubMed| 33332396| 10.1371/journal.pone.0243989
The study looked at the impact of 12 weeks of qigong and tai chi for middle-aged and older adults with T2DM.
Outcome type: Favorable
Outcomes included fasting plasma glucose (FpG), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C),and C-peptide (C-P) levels. There was significant influence on HbA1C and C-P levels. Study found qigong intervention could have more impact on patients with longer duration of T2DM and Tai Chi could be risky for people with central obesity.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Siu PM, Yu AP, Chin EC, Yu DS, Hui SS, Woo J, Fong DY, Wei GX, Irwin MR.
2021| Ann Intern Med| PubMed| 34058100| 10.7326/M20-7014
The study looked at the impact of a Tai Chi intervention for management of central obesity.
Outcome type: Favorable
Primary outcome: waist circumference (WC) Secondary outcomes: body weight; body mass index; high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride, and fasting plasma glucose levels; blood pressure; and incidence of remission of central obesity. The study found that Tai Chi improved waist circumference in adults with central obesity.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Jiayuan Z, Xiang-Zi J, Li-Na M, Jin-Wei Y, Xue Y.
2022| J Prev Alzheimers Dis| PubMed| 35098980| 10.14283/jpad.2021.40
The study looked at the impact of a mindfulness-based Tai Chi Chuan intervention on physical performance and cognitive function. The study aimed to understand the impact for cognitive frailty older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found improvement in cognitive function and physical performance between time groups. Rate of CF was significantly different between groups after 6 months. The MTCC intervention group had lower prevalence of frailty and better cognitive function.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Saud A, Abbasi M, Merris H, Parth P, Jones XM, Aggarwal R, Gupta L.
2022| Clin Rheumatol| PubMed| 35854165| 10.1007/s10067-022-06280-2
This review found literature on the impact of yoga therapy interventions on systemic chronic diseases
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that yoga improved chronic pain, lung function, improved balance, and mental health.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Solloway MR, Taylor SL, Shekelle PG, Miake-Lye IM, Beroes JM, Shanman RM, Hempel S.
2016| Syst Rev| PubMed| 27460789| 10.1186/s13643-016-0300-y
The study looks at the volume and focus of Tai Chi research that shows health outcomes.
Outcome type: Favorable
Studies found in this reviewed showed promising results for hypertension, fall prevention outside of institutions, cognitive performance, osteoarthritis, depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pain, balance, confidence, and muscle strength. The review did find methodological limitations in the studies.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kim KV, Bartley J, Ashe MC, Bardai Z, Butt DA, Chilibeck PD, Ponzano M, Rodrigues IB, Stapleton J, Thabane L, Wark JD, Giangregorio L.
2022| Appl Physiol Nutr Metab| PubMed| 34914565| 10.1139/apnm-2021-0736
The s study looked at the impact of yoga for men and postmenopausal women with increased risk of fracture.
Outcome type: Neutral
Evidence had low certainty and yoga did now show effect on health-related quality of life and mixed results for other outcomes.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Chen W, Li M, Li H, Lin Y, Feng Z.
2023| Front Public Health| PubMed| 37736087| 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1236050
This review found literature on impact of Tai Chi on fall prevention and balance improvement in older adults
Outcome type: Favorable
Tai Chi reduced the risk of falls and decreased the number of falls in older adults. It also improved balance.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Leung LYL, Tam HL, Ho JKM.
2022| Arch Gerontol Geriatr| PubMed| 36058045| 10.1016/j.archger.2022.104796
Examined the impact of Tai Chi on the physical/psychological conditions, cognitive abilities and quality of life in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found 24 eligible studies that demonstrated Tai Chi can be an effective intervention for older adults for improving physical and psychological conditions, cognitive abilities, and QoL.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Xu Y, Zhu J, Liu H, Qiu Z, Wu M, Liu J, Wu J, Huang J, Liu Z, Liu W, Tao J.
2023| Front Public Health| PubMed| 37608981| 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1199246
This study looks at the impact of a Tai Chi intervention combined with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on the cognitive performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that there was significant improvement in global cognitive performance, memory, execution function, and attention in patients with MCI from the Tai Chi intervention combined with tDCS.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Barrows JL, Fleury J.
2016| West J Nurs Res| PubMed| 26689218| 10.1177/0193945915618610
The review looked for literature on yoga-based physical activity interventions to understand the impact on cardiovascular health in older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review found there was significant improvement in blood pressure, body composition, glucose, and lipids from yoga-based interventions.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Yang GY, Sabag A, Hao WL, Zhang LN, Jia MX, Dai N, Zhang H, Ayati Z, Cheng YJ, Zhang CH, Zhang XW, Bu FL, Wen M, Zhou X, Liu JP, Wayne PM, Ee C, Chang D, Kiat H, Hunter J, Bensoussan A.
2021| Complement Ther Med| PubMed| 34118389| 10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102748
The review found literature on the impact of Tai Chi interventions.
Outcome type: Favorable
987 studies were identified and 93.8% reported a least one favorable outcome from Tai Chi.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Liu DM, Wang L, Huang LJ.
2023| Altern There Health Med| PubMed| 35839111|
The review found literature on the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive and physical function in elderly individuals with dementia.
Outcome type: Favorable
The review identified 7 studies that demonstrated the Tai Chi intervention improved cognitive function among persons with dementia but had no significant impact on physical and emotional benefits.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Solianik R, Mickevičienė D, Žlibinaitė L, Čekanauskaitė A.
2021| Exp Gerontol| PubMed| 33887380| 10.1016/j.exger.2021.111363
This study looked at the impact of a 10-week Tai Chi intervention to understand the effect on psych emotional state, cognition, and motor learning in older adults. The study looked at this during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that Tai Chi decreased perceived stress, decreased depressive symptoms and increased BDNF levels. It demonstrated Tai Chi could improve mental and physical function in older adults during pandemic conditions.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Gu R, Gao Y, Zhang C, Liu X, Sun Z.
2021| Evid Based Complement Alternat Med| PubMed| 34394392| 10.1155/2021/6679153
This review found literature on the impact of Tai Chi on cognitive impairment patients
Outcome type: Neutral
The review found 9 studies but limited evidence to show that Tai Chi is effective for older adults with cognitive impairment.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lavretsky H, Milillo MM, Kilpatrick L, Grzenda A, Wu P, Nguyen SA, Ercoli LM, Siddarth P.
2022| Am J Geriatr Psychiatry| PubMed| 34404606| 10.1016/j.jagp.2021.07.008
This study looked at a combined Tai Chi Chih (TCC) or Health Education and Wellness training (HEW) with the stable standard antidepressant treatment intervention to understand the impact on mood and cognitive functioning in depressed older adults.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that both TCC and HEW showed improved symptoms of depression in older adults when combined with a standard antidepressant treatment. TCC improving general health more than HEW.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65