Food and Produce
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Food and Produce
Food and produce to assist chronically ill enrollees in meeting nutritional needs may be covered as SSBCI. Plans may include items such as (but not limited to) produce, frozen foods, and canned goods. Tobacco and alcohol are not permitted.
Linking Intervention and Impact
Short E, Selig JP, Felix HC, Painter J, McElfish PA, Rowland B, Ammerman AS, Bounds K, Henske J, Hudson JS, Li J, Young SG, Long CR.
2024| Contemp Clin Trials| PubMed| 38458560| 10.1016/j.cct.2024.107491
This study looked at the impact of a delivered food box that is specific for individuals with type 2 diabetes melllitus. The intervention included 3 months of delivered meals and a 60 minute vitual consultation.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study does not currently have findings on HbA1c changes or diet quality.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Mayfield, C., Robinson-Taylor, T., Rifkin, D., Harris, ME.
2024| Journal of Public Health Management and Practice| Google Scholar| 37646558| 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001821
This study looked at the impact of a food prescription program.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the intervention led to a decrease in nonadmission ED utilization,
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Comerford, B., Doughty, K., Njike, V., Ayettey, R., Weisel, A., Katz, D., & Costales, V.
2019| BMC Public Health| Google Scholar|
This study looked at the impact of the Fruit and Vegetable "Presciption" (FVRx) intervention. The intervention included 45-minute cooking and nutrition education sessions and a $15-25 voucher for fruit and vegetables.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found that the FVRx intervention led to an increase in HEI-2010 scores (vegetable intake) and reduced HE-2010 scores (empty calories). There was no significant difference in body composition, HbA1c blood lipids, or blood pressure.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Ranjit, N., McWhorter, J., Boyer, P., & Sharma, S.
2022| APHA 2022 Annual Meeting and Expo| Google Scholar|
The study looked at the impact of a food prescription program on cardiometabolic measures.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the intervention led to a decline in HbA1c in participants. There were also differences seen in systolic and diastolic blood pressure between the study groups.
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lowrey, J., Chandrasekaran, A., Headings, A., Hyder, A.
2021| Google Scholar|
This study looked at the impact of the Mid-Ohio Farmacy program on health quality and cost. The intervention assesses the food status of patients to help refer them to food pantries.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the intervention let to a 3% decrease in weight and 10% reduction in costs.
Linking Intervention and Impact
Wang, E. Gilbert, A., Mueller, S., Wessels, A.
2019| Curr Dev Nutr| Google Scholar|
This study analyzed the impact of "The Food Pharmacy Network" intervention that provides free fresh produce in health clinics on food security.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that The Food Pharmacy Network participants were less likley to experience very low food securty, increased self suffiency and increased fruits and vegetable serving sper day versus the control group.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Geraghty, B., AE-C, M. B., Lewis, S., Charters, M., Romero, M., Maduka, J., Angeles, N., Olivares, P., & Sheely, S.
2019| APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Ecpo| Google Scholar|
This study analyzed the impact of an adapted CHANGE tool to improve the nutritional content of a food pantry, and its impact on individuals with, or at risk of, diabetes.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that pantry staff chose healthier options than clients and did not believe in the client's ability to choose healthier options. They also found that most clients would choose healthier options if they were offered.
Linking Intervention and Impact
Holzum, H., Nelson, K., Granneman, J., Acton, J., & Nevel, R.
2021| Journal of Cystic Fibrosis| Google Scholar| PMC8518436| 10.1016/S1569-1993(21)01767-7
The study analyzed the impact of a food pantry for families in a pediatric CF center to understand the impact on food insecurity.
Outcome type: Favorable
The food pantry led to a decrease from 27% to 13% in at-risk nutritional status in the study participants.
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Dikmen, D.
2023| Komp Nutr Diet| Google Scholar|
The study looked at food insecurity interventions and their impact on cancer outcomes. The intervention included a hospital cancer clinic–based food pantry, food voucher plus pantry, and home grocery delivery plus pantry.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the voucher plus pantry to be most effective for treatment completion. All three interventions were promising in improving food insecurity in the patient population.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Collins, N., Krutee, L., Bidaisee, S.
2022| International Public Health Journal| Google Scholar|
This study looked at the literature to understand the impact of food pantries on diabetes mellitus self-management.
Outcome type: Favorable
The literature review found a relationship between food insecurity and diabetes mellitus management and glycemic control. The review found mixed results for the impact of interventions on self-management.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Feldman-Hunt, C., & Clairmont, E.
2022| Conference: International Congress on Integrative Health and Medicine| Google Scholar|
The 13-week intervention consisted of provision of an Anti-Inflammatory Pantry Kit to participants, containing health and nutritious foods and meetings with registered dieticians.
Outcome type: Favorable
This intervention resulted in modifications to participant diets to increase whole food sources of essential nutrients that are evidenced to affect inflammation and immune system function among people with chronic pain.
Prospective Cohort Study
Linking Intervention and Impact
Maurer T, Belau MH, von Grundherr J, Schlemmer Z, Patra S, Becher H, Schulz KH, Zyriax BC, Schmalfeldt B, Chang-Claude J.
2022| BMJ Open| PubMed| 35197344| 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054091
The study looked at a nutrition and exercise intervention to determine its safety and efficacy for patients with ovarian cancer.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study showed that the intervention was safe and will analyze the effectiveness of the intervention in a future RCT.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Seligman HK, Smith M, Rosenmoss S, Marshall MB, Waxman E.
2018| Am J Public Health| PubMed| 30024798| 10.2105/AJPH.2018.304528
The purpose of this study was to understand the impact of food bank provision of self-management support and diabetes-appropriate on glycemic control for individuals with diabetes.
Outcome type: Favorable
Food security, food stability, and fruit and vegetable intake significantly improved in participants, but there was no significant difference in self-management or HbA1c.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Whitehouse CR, Akyirem S, Petoskey C, Huang S, Lendvai D, Batten J, Whittemore R.
2024| Sci Diabetes Self Manag Care| PubMed| 38545669| 10.1177/26350106241232649
This study looked at two interventions (a medically tailored meal/grocery program and produce prescriptions/vouchers and their impact on food insecurity for individuals with prediabetes or T2D.
Outcome type: Favorable
Studies showed a decrease in A1C, improved self-management, self-efficacy, depressive symptoms/diabetes distress, and quality of life. Some studies reported statistically significant improvements in food insecurity.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Sadeghi F, Mockler D, Guinan EM, Hussey J, Doyle SL.
2021| Nutrients| PubMed| 34445002| 10.3390/nu13082842
The study aimed to understand the impact of combined nutritional and exercise interventions on patients with GI cancer.
Outcome type: Neutral
Studies showed promising but insignificant effects on physical functioning and conflicting results on muscle mass and improving health-related quality of life from nutrition and exercise interventions.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Zhou C, Wang S, Sun X, Han Y, Zhang L, Liu M.
2023| BMC Cardiovasc Disord| PubMed| 36765270| 10.1186/s12872-023-03072-7
This study analyzes a home-based nutritional intervention for elderly patients with chronic heart failure and its impact on nutritional status.
Outcome type: Favorable
This study found that the intervention positively impacted the nutritional status of individuals with CHF. There was significant and positive impact on nutritional indexes and cardiopulmonary function indexes for the experimental group.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Chronic Heart Failure
Linking Intervention and Impact
Martinez SM, Chodur GM, Esaryk EE, Kaladijian S, Ritchie LD, Grandner M.
2022| J Nutr Educ Behav| PubMed| 35618403| 10.1016/j.jneb.2022.03.001
The study looked at the impact of a campus food pantry (CFP) intervention on college students.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study measured sleep, mental health, and physical health outcomes. They found decreased depression symptoms, improved sleep sufficiency, and improved percieved health.
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Mental Health
Linking Intervention and Impact
Jd Steer K, Olstad DL, Jt Campbell D, Beall R, Anstruther SM, Caron-Roy S, Spackman E.
2023| Adv Nutr| PubMed| 37245685| 10.1016/j.advnut.2023.05.012
This study looked at how material food benefits impacted access, dietary intake, and food insecurity for individuals with diabetes and any relevant economic evidence.
Outcome type: Neutral
Literature showed improved household food insecurity, fruit and vegetable intake, and overall diet quality with interventions aimed at improving access to food for people with diabetes. It was not clear if it impacted clinical parameters and whole grain intake.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Gany F, Melnic I, Wu M, Li Y, Finik J, Ramirez J, Blinder V, Kemeny M, Guevara E, Hwang C, Leng J.
2022| J Clin Oncol| PubMed| 35709430| 10.1200/JCO.21.02400
This study looked at the impact of food insecurity interventions on cancer outcomes
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found the voucher plus pantry intervention had the highest treatment completion rate and was most effective at improving treatment completion. The three interventions also indicated a potential to improve food security among the medically underserved.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
An R, Wang J, Liu J, Shen J, Loehmer E, McCaffrey J.
2019| Public Health Nutr| PubMed| 30834852| 10.1017/S1368980019000144
The purpose of this study was to understand the literature on food-pantry-based interventions and the effect of this type of program in the US.
Outcome type: Favorable
Articles used in the study found that food pantry interventions did have a positive impact on diet-related outcomes.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Baldwin C.
2015| Proc Nutr Soc| PubMed| 26087760| 10.1017/S0029665115002311
The purpose of this study was to understand the current oral nutritional interventions related to weight loss in cancer patients.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study found that existing oral nutritional intervention studies have had limited evidence on the benefit to clinical outcomes from these interventions. They have shown increases in quality of life.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Smith-Drelich N.
2016| Public Health Nutr| PubMed| 26054549| 10.1017/S1368980015001469
The study looked at the impact of a reimbursement-based consumer subsidy. Outcomes measures included vegetable expenditures, consumption and waste.
Outcome type: Unfavorable
The study found that the intervention increased vegetable expenditure but did not have an impact on vegetable consumption.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Lyonnais MJ, Kaur AP, Rafferty AP, Johnson NS, Jilcott Pitts S.
2022| J Public Health Manag Pract| PubMed| 35121710| 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001490
The study looked at the impact of produce prescription vouchers.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found that the voucher initiative resulted in increased fruit and vegetable purchasing and consumption.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cavanagh M, Jurkowski J, Bozlak C, Hastings J, Klein A.
2017| Public Health Nutr| PubMed| 27539192| 10.1017/S1368980016002081
This study evaluates the Veggie Rx intervention which is a healthy food incentive program in upstate New York.
Outcome type: Favorable
The Veggie Rx program showed a statistically significant improvement in mean BMI between study groups.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Sadeghzadeh C, Sheppard B, de Groot J, De Marco M.
2022| Health Educ Behav| PubMed| 34963366| 10.1177/10901981211058075
Study to understand the impact of a community garden program funded by SNAP-Edusing the Ripple Effect Mapping (REM) method.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study takeaway was on the REM method and found it was a useful way to study the impact of programs such as SNAP-Ed.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Doyle J, Alsan M, Skelley N, Lu Y, Cawley J.
2024| JAMA Intern Med| PubMed| 38147326| 10.1001/jamainternmed.2023.6670
This study looked at the food-as-medicine program to understand its impact on a patients with diabetes.
Outcome type: Neutral
The study measures outcomes including HbA1c level at 6 months, other biometric measures, health care use, self-reported diet, and healthy behaviors. The study found increased engagement with preventive health care, but did not find a significant difference in HbA1c levels. but no improvement in glycemic control
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Hu D, Cherian A, Chagin K, Bier J, Einstadter D, Gunzler D, Glenn A, McLaughlin E, Cook K, Misak J, Bolen SD.
2022| Cureus| PubMed| 36579189| 10.7759/cureus.31912
The study analyzed the impact of a hospital-based food pantry clinic, which included a 3-day supply of food up to 2 times a month, up to 12 months. The impacts observed included self-reported dietary changes, health outcomes, and resource utilization.
Outcome type: Neutral
The program led to self-reported improvement in dietary behavior but did not have significant changes in clinical or healthcare utilization measures.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cook M, Ward R, Newman T, Berney S, Slagel N, Bussey-Jones J, Schmidt S, Sun Lee J, Webb-Girard A.
2021| J Nutr Educ Behav| PubMed| 34509277| 10.1016/j.jneb.2021.06.010
The study looked at a six-month intervention for group-based nutrition and cooking education. Additionally, it included subsidies for fresh produce.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found a significant decrease of food insecurity and blood pressure from participation in the program.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Dunn CG, Vercammen KA, Bleich SN, Mulugeta W, Granick J, Carney C, Zack RM.
2021| J Nutr Educ Behav| PubMed| 34246412| 10.1016/j.jneb.2021.03.012
This study looked at a free, monthly produce market intervention to understand its impact and barriers to access.
Outcome type: Favorable
Participants reported facilitators or the market were accessibility program experience, and the qualities of goods and servcies. Reported barriers included transportation challenes, weather, and not enough produce. They reported the market improved diet and finances.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Gap and Impact
Bangham C, Zack RM, Nelson E, Liu X, Codner A, Hicks JM, Greece JA.
2023| Front Public Health| PubMed| 38026276| 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1286094
Outcome type: Favorable
Hunger was found to be associated with increased medical expenses, job loss, pay reduction, increased debt, and death of a family member
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Greatorex Brooks E, McInerney M.
2023| J Nutr Sci| PubMed| 37744640| 10.1017/jns.2023.81
The study intervention of interest is a community-based fruit and vegetable prescription boxes program, and its impact on various measures.
Outcome type: Favorable
Studies found diet quality, health outcomes, and food insecurity status imroved.
Peer Reviewed