General Supports for Living
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General Supports for Living
General supports for living such as housing may be provided to chronically ill enrollees if the benefit has a reasonable expectation of improving or maintaining the health or overall function of the enrollee. General supports for living may be provided for a limited or extended duration as determined by the plan. The benefit may include plan-sponsored housing consultations and/or subsidies for rent or assisted living communities. Plans may also include subsidies for utilities such as gas, electric, and water as part of the benefit. These benefits should be entered in Section B19b/13i of the PBP under “Transitional Supports.”
Linking Gap and Impact
Reeves A, McKee M, Clair A, Stuckler D
2016| European Journal of Public Health| Google Scholar|
Outcome type: Favorable
Results found that depressive symptoms increased in renters after experiencing cuts to housing benefits. There is evidence to support that reducing housing support to low-income individuals worsens mental health.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kim H, Schmidt NM, Osypuk TL, Thyden N, Rehkopf D.
2023| Hous Stud| PubMed| 36861113| 10.1080/02673037.2022.2112154
Tenant-based voucher program from the Moving to Opportunity experiment was used.
Outcome type: Favorable
Recipients of the vouchers experienced improvements in neighborhood opportunity overall and in social/economic, educational, and health/environmental domains.
Prospective Cohort Study
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Cheng A, Lin H, Kasprow W, Rosenheck RA
The authors evaluated the US Housing and Urban Development and Department of Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program, including Section 8 housing vouchers, which provided rent subsidies for low-income individuals with disabilities.
Outcome type: Favorable
The study found benefits among the study population in terms of psychiatric and substance use disorders, including drug and alcohol abuse.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Bamberger J
2016| JAMA Internal Medicine| Google Scholar| 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.2615
This article relays literature that loss of housing is associated with poorer health and increased acute care utilization.
Outcome type: Favorable
The author summarizes literature that housing may improve health. In one study, placing people experiencing homelessness in permanent supportive housing was associated with an 80% decrease in mortality among homeless adults with AIDS.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Gap and Impact
Aidala AA, Lee G, Abramson DM, Messeri P, Siegler, A
2007| AIDS and Behavior| Google Scholar|
Outcome type: Favorable
Results found a strong relationship between housing need and poor HIV care engagement. Additionally, receiving housing assistance increased access and retention to HIV care. Study provides strong evidence that housing needs are a significant barrier to consistent inappropriate HIV medical care and that housing assistance directly improves health care outcomes.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Troy A, Xu J, Wadhera R
2022| AHA Journals| Google Scholar| 10.1161/circ.146.suppl_1.10423
This study examines the relationship between broadband access by county and cardiovascular risk factors, disease, and mortality.
Outcome type: Favorable
Counties with poor broadband access have significantly higher rates of CVD, CVD risk factors, and CVD mortality, in addition to poorer access to physicians.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Joe J, Demiris G
2013| J Biomed Inform| Google| 23810858| 10.1016/j.jbi.2013.06.008
The study examines the use of mobile phones in health interventions for older adults and their level of effectiveness.
Outcome type: Favorable
There is significant variability in the current research, but there is documented evidence that the use of mobile phones in care for older adults can improve clinical outcomes and promote follow up.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Gap and Impact
Turcios Y
2023| SAMHSA| Google Scholar|
Outcome type: Favorable
Internet access has a significant part in health care outcomes and can be used to reduce disparities in health care access and health outcomes.
Federal Policy or Report
Linking Intervention and Impact
Vasquez L
2023| NBER Bulletin on Health| Google Scholar|
Broadband internet access is the intervention studied.
Outcome type: Favorable
Reliable broadband access is associated with better outcomes for planned procedures and provides patients the opportunity to research and gather information relating to their medical conditions and decisions.
Age > 65
Linking Gap and Impact
Brown RT, Miao Y, Mitchell SL, Bharel M, Patel M, Ard KL, Grande LJ, Blazey-Martin D, Floru D, Steinman MA
2015| Amer J Pub Health| Google Scholar| 25973822| 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302539
Outcome type: Favorable
Participants who obtained housing over the study period had fewer depressive symptoms and a lower rate of acute care use compared to participants who remained homeless.
Prospective Cohort Study
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Kietzman K, Palimaru A, Basurto-Davila R, Pourat N
2020| Health Serv Res| Google Scholar| 10.1111/1475-6773.13523
Housing for Health, an initiative in Los Angeles County providing permanent supportive housing and rental subsidies and intensive case management to high utilizer unhoused individuals.
Outcome type: Favorable
The authors recorded positive impacts of the program as it expanded the reach and intensity of permanent supportive housing and enhanced continuity of care.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Fenelon A, Lipska KJ, Denary W, Blankenship KM, Schlesinger P, Esserman D, Keene DE.
2022| JAMA Netw Open| PubMed| 35857325| 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.22385
The study included two types of federal rental assistance programs: project-based housing and housing vouchers.
Outcome type: Favorable
The authors found an association between project-based housing and a reduced likelihood of the participant having uncontrollable diabetes, compared to participants in the waitlist group receiving no benefits. Participants in project-based housing had lower HbA1c levels compared to individuals receiving no assistance, but this finding was not significant.
Prospective Cohort Study
Peer Reviewed
Linking Gap and Impact
Galárraga O, Rana A, Rahman M, Cohen M, Adimora AA, Sosanya O, Holman S, Kassaye S, Milam J, Cohen J, Golub ET, Metsch LR, Kempf MC.
2018| Soc Sci Med| PubMed| 30153546| 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.07.051
Outcome type: Favorable
Unstable housing was found to reduce the likelihood of viral suppression and the probability of having adequate CD4 cell count.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Gap and Impact
Okoye SM, Mulcahy JF, Fabius CD, Burgdorf JG, Wolff JL.
2021| J Med Internet Res| PubMed| 34125071| 10.2196/26242
Outcome type: Favorable
Broadband internet access was associated with engagement in telehealth.
Peer Reviewed
Age > 65
Linking Gap and Impact
Wang K
2021| Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities| Google Scholar| 34837164|
Outcome type: Favorable
This article focuses on the relationship between housing instability and health outcomes, including heart disease and mental health conditions, particularly focusing on variations among racial and income groups. It found that housing instability was strongly associated with heart disease and mental health conditions.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Nelson RE, Montgomery AE, Suo Y, Cook J, Pettey W, Evans W, Greene T, Gelberg L, Kertesz S, Tsai J, Byrne T.
2022| J Health Care Poor Underserved| PubMed| 36341665| 10.1353/hpu.2022.0140
Temporary financial assistance for housing-related expenses from the US Department of Veterans Affairs was the intervention.
Outcome type: Favorable
Temporary financial assistance was found to decrease healthcare costs in ED, outpatient mental health, outpatient substance use disorder treatment, inpatient mental health, and residential behavioral health.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Quinton JK, Ong MK, Vangala S, Tetleton-Burns A, Webb A, Sarkisian C, Casillas A, Kakani P, Han M, Pirtle CJ.
2021| BMC Health Serv Res| PubMed| 34344377| 10.1186/s12913-021-06746-0
The intervention of interest was access to broadband internet by zip code.
Outcome type: Favorable
Access to broadband internet was associated with the utilization of telemedicine services among a rural, working-class community.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Simon AE, Fenelon A, Helms V, Lloyd PC, Rossen LM.
2017| Health Aff (Millwood)| PubMed| 28583959| 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1152
The intervention was US Department of Housing and Urban Development housing assistance.
Outcome type: Favorable
The authors found that receiving HUD assistance was associated with lower uninsurance rates and rates of unmet health care needs due to cost.
Peer Reviewed
Age ≤ 65
Linking Intervention and Impact
Byrne T, Miller DP, Thomas MMC.
2023| Health Serv Res| PubMed| 37248792| 10.1111/1475-6773.14174
The intervention was federal low-income housing assistance.
Outcome type: Neutral
The authors did not find substantial evidence that the value of housing assistance impacts overall health or outcomes. They did determine that the impact on health likely depends on the value of the housing assistance, where greater assistance frees up more resources to spend on other needs.
Peer Reviewed
Linking Gap and Impact
Aidala AA, Wilson MG, Shubert V, Gogolishvili D, Globerman J, Rueda S, Bozack AK, Caban M, Rourke SB.
2016| Am J Public Health| PubMed| 26562123| 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302905
Outcome type: Favorable
Almost all of the studies included in review demonstrated that poorer housing status was associated with poorer outcomes, including adherence to antiretroviral medications, access and utilization of HIV medical care, HIV clinical outcomes, ED and inpatient utilization, sex and drug risk behaviors, and other health outcomes.
Systematic Review
Peer Reviewed
Linking Intervention and Impact
Reeves A, Clair A, McKee M, Stuckler D.
2016| Am J Epidemiol| PubMed| 27613659| 10.1093/aje/kww055
UK government's reduction of financial housing support in April 2011 for low-income households who rent. private-sector housing
Outcome type: Favorable
Depressive symptoms among individuals receiving housing assistance increased by 1.8% after the change in UK government policy compared to individuals not receiving assistance.
Peer Reviewed