About This Work
Search Methodology
Information Collected
Supplemental Benefit Definitions
About This Work

Medicare Advantage plans must be able to demonstrate, by the time they submit Contract Year 2025 bids, that Special Supplemental Benefits for the Chronically Ill (SSBCI) meet the legal threshold of having a reasonable expectation of improving the health or overall function of chronically ill enrollees, as supported by research. Specifically, Medicare Advantage plans must establish and maintain bibliographies of relevant research studies or other data to demonstrate that an SSBCI meets this threshold. To better understand the available evidence and research, ATI Advisory was funded by Better Medicare Alliance to compile literature available on the ten core SSBCI. This Excel Bibliography Database includes available research found through the methods described below, for articles and evidence published between 2014 and 2024.

Search Methodology

ATI Advisory developed a search strategy that entailed separate Boolean and non-Boolean search phrases, queried within PubMed1 and Google Scholar2, for each of the ten CMS-defined SSBCI benefits categories.3

A first search was executed using the PubMed database search function, with terms specifying a health outcome, intervention, age (excluded articles focused on children), and chronic conditions; limited to Meta-Analysis, Randomized Control Trial, and Systematic Review article types; and inclusive of full text. While this first search included relevant results, ATI Advisory determined refinement was needed given the number of additional irrelevant results returned. ATI Advisory revised the first search by: narrowing the search terms to reflect a shorter list of outcomes and interventions, removing the chronic disease terms and study type limitations, and restricting the search to title and abstract only. Relevant results from the first search were retained and added to the relevant results of the revised search terms.

Subsequently, ATI Advisory conducted a search in Google Scholar using different terms, given the inability to use the PubMed Boolean strategy in the Google Scholar functionality. Both PubMed and Google Scholar searches were limited to articles published since 2014. The searches were executed between February and May 2024.

As the growth of interventions focused on addressing social determinants of health and health related social needs is relatively recent within the Medicare program, the terminology used within programs and the body of literature is inconsistent and varied, which resulted in ATI Advisory using many search terms to be comprehensive. Also, ATI Advisory determined it was appropriate to include not only articles related to a specific social need intervention, but also those assessing the link between a relevant social need and a health impact. These articles are differentiated in the document under the column titled "Content Type."

ATI Advisory then reviewed the returned results for relevance to the ten CMS-defined SSBCI benefit categories for Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs). This process included a title review followed by an abstract review to confirm relevance. ATI Advisory excluded articles without any connection to health or overall function. ATI Advisory also excluded articles that were specific to a benefit that is offered through another part of the Medicare Advantage program. For example, articles exclusively focused on non-emergent medical transportation (NEMT) were excluded from the transportation benefit, as the SSBCI transportation benefit is defined as transportation for non-medical needs. For complementary therapies, a large volume of results was returned for tai chi and yoga interventions, and only relevant results from PubMed were necessary to include.

After narrowing the returned results to only those relevant, ATI Advisory compared this list to existing compendia of social intervention research. ATI Advisory identified relevant articles within the UCSF SIREN Evidence & Resource library4 that were not captured by ATI Advisory's peer-reviewed search and added them.

Finally, ATI Advisory conducted a Grey Literature review for benefit categories with less than 30 results. Grey Literature were only included once evaluated with the Authority, Accuracy, Coverage, Objectivity, Date, Significance (AACODS) checklist.5

Database categories
Boolean Search Terms PubMed Google Scholar
Food and Produce food delivery; grocery*; pantry; fresh produce; food and produce program; malnutrition; food insecurity grocery; pantry
Meals Beyond Limited Basis delivered meal*; meal delivery; home delivered meals; meal service; meal prep service; medically tailored meals meal delivery; in-home meal service
Pest Control pest control; infestation; pest control service; exterminator; pest*; environmental intervention; environmental remediation bug infestation; insect exterminator
Transportation for Non-Medical Needs transportation insecurity; rideshare; paratransit; public transit; nonmedical transportation; taxi; public transport*; transportation access non-medical transportation; rideshare
Indoor Air Quality Equipment and Services air filter; air purifier; humidifier; indoor air quality; dehumidifier; air conditioning services; carpet cleaning; pollution air purifier; indoor air quality
Social Needs companionship; social supports; social support program; social event*; isolation intervention*; social intervention*; companion services; loneliness social isolation social supports; social event; social isolation
Complementary Therapies complementary therap*; yoga; tai chi; herbal therapy; homeopathy; progressive muscle relaxation; complementary medicine; meditation; spinal manipulation; music therapy; sensory stimulation; guided imaging; hypnosis yoga; tai chi; complementary therapy; homeopathy
Services Supporting Self-Direction advance care planning; resuscitation preferences; power of attorney; living will; advance directives; financial literacy; technology literacy; end-of-life; interpreter services; sign language interpreter; financial literacy education; personal finance; technology education advance directives; advance directive planning; living will; financial literacy
Structural Home Modifications home improvement; home modification; stair lift; home retrofit; home access; mobility ramp; doorknob replacement; roll-in showers; lowering counters; lowering sinks; stair glide; vertical platform; widen hallways home modification; home improvement
General Supports for Living rental assistance; utility assistance; housing subsidies; housing assistance; housing support; broadband internet rental assistance; utility assistance; housing subsidies; housing support; broadband internet; internet access
Information Collected
Supplemental Benefit Definitions
In addition to the definitions below, ATI Advisory conducted a review of a sample of Evidence of Coverage documents from MA plans offering SSBCI to determine relevant terms related to benefit offerings.